I need my registration confirming to Student Loans Company (SLC).

If you have registered but the SLC have requested confirmation this is also known as Confirmation of Attendance.


If you have an approved Student Finance application and you have completed the university online registration process, the University will automatically send an electronic confirmation of registration to Student Finance.  Once this has been confirmed, it will trigger the release of any scheduled maintenance loan that you are expecting. If you have registered well in advance of your first scheduled payment (you can find details on your online account of the date), you should have received the payment on that date. Alternatively, if you register on or after your scheduled payment date then this can take 3-5 working days for the payment to reach you.

If you have transferred into Salford from another institute then we will need to request your funding to also be transferred to Salford. In order for us to request your Student Finance funding we will require you Student Support Number (this is a mixture of letters and numbers and typically appears in the following format: ABCD000001A); or your Customer Reference Number (This is 11 digits) along with your full name, including any middle name if this has been declared to Student Finance.

If you have any questions or you believe we have yet to confirm your registration, you can either email SA-tuitionfees@salford.ac.uk quoting your student ID number detailing that you require us to confirm your registration so we can verify this with SLC, or alternatively you can call us on 0161 295 0023 (option 2, option 2). 


  • Last Updated Aug 15, 2024
  • Views 4052
  • Answered By Chloe Reid

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