How much will I be charged if I decide to withdraw from my programme?

If I want to leave the university will I be charged anything?


The calculation of how much you will be charged if you withdraw from your studies is dependent upon how you fund your course, how you study (e.g. Full Time or Part Time) and the level of your programme.

Your tuition fee will be recalculated from the start of your course and dependent on whether you are Student Finance Funded by SLC, sponsored by your employer, sponsored by the NHS or are a self-funding student.

Please note that if you have an entitlement to any Scholarships, Bursaries, or any other University discounts then these will be pro-rota in line with our re-calculations. If you decide to withdraw and formally request this after teaching week 2, you will be liable for the tuition fees up to the point you have requested to formally withdraw from the programme.

Further information is contained within the Key Facts about Fees section of the Terms and Conditions

Students who have secured a Postgraduate Loan will be considered as a self-paying student as the loan is paid directly to you, it will be your responsibility to ensure that your funding is up to date when considering to withdraw from your study. The following calculation that is used to recalculate the fees for self-funded students on postgraduate courses are as follows:

For taught programmes - Tuition Fee / 30 weeks (number of teaching weeks) X number of weeks = fees owed

For research programmes - Tuition Fee / 12 months (number of teaching months) X number of months = fees owed

Please note that for the taught programmes if your last date of attendance is within week 20 onwards or month 8 for research programme then this will result in yourself being charged the full tuition fee. Full details can be found in the terms and conditions link provided above.

If you are an Undergraduate student paying home fees*, then the re-calculations will be dependent upon the three liability dates;

1st Liability (from teaching week 3) 25% charge of tuition fee

2nd Liability (from teaching week 13) 50% charge of tuition fee

3rd Liability (from teaching week 23) 100% charge of tuition fee

*Please note that students who began an undergraduate programme from September 2021 onwards are charged in line with the 3 liability dates regardless of their fee payment status (e.g. Home or International). This also applies to those students who are self funding their studies. 

If you would prefer to get a more definitive answer regarding how much you will be charged you can email the Tuition Fees Team


  • Last Updated Aug 15, 2024
  • Views 2022
  • Answered By Chloe Reid

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