How do I submit a PMC request?




To make a PMC request, you should complete the online form

You must:

  • State if your request is a self-certification request (no need for evidence if you meet specific criteria) or a request accompanied by evidence.
  • Explain the circumstances which have affected you and the impact of these.
  • State the period of time you have been affected.
  • State which assessments have been affected.
  • State if your request relates to late submission of your assessment, non-submission of your assessment or absence from your assessment.
  • Provide evidence (where appropriate).

If you do not provide sufficient information your request may not be accepted, so instead of saying ‘I was ill’, you need to explain the nature of your illness, the length of time you were ill and the impact on you.


  • Last Updated Sep 06, 2022
  • Views 7366
  • Answered By Sharon Jones (askUs)

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